October: friday 6, saturday 7, sunday 8

— 'Vivre à Courances'

A sale/fair around the theme of country living. The objects and furniture will be on display around the Japanese garden and in the neighbouring 17th century Foulerie building. Exceptional visits of the park are also planned for this week-end.
From 10 to 18 hours, entrance : 10 Euros.
October 31
Closing of the castle

November 30
Closing of the park

Courances, les petits bateaux (2005 edition)
500 small-scale models during 2 days of show, races & demos.

Autour du Miroir (2004)
15 designers set out to recreate the statues.

Courances, edition Flammarion (2003)
Award wining book of La Demeure Historique.